
Privacy Policy

Any personal information that you submit on this site will be protected. GPI Corporate is acutely aware of the importance of privacy to all of those people who use its site. Personal details provided to GPI Corporate for the purposes of facilitating an order will be used solely for the purpose of processing and despatching the order and for the purpose of maintaining sales records.

GPI Corporate guarantees not to sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third party organisations or individuals. GPI Corporate may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information to reputable third party vendors, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information. GPI Corporate may release account information when we believe, in good faith, that such release is reasonably necessary to (i)comply with the law, (ii)enforce or apply the terms of any of our legal agreements or (iii) protect the rights, property or safety of GPI Corporate, our users or others.

GPI Corporate does not use or disclose personal information in any manner inconsistent to this document without prior consent.

To find out more about privacy legislation, please visit www.privacy.gov.au